by Christine Tatum | May 9, 2013 | Media
“Oh, now, isn’t this all just so edgy?!” “So fashion-forward?!” “So cool! So stylish! And so right for Spring 2013!” Can’t you almost hear the pretentious banter in the offices of Urban Outfitters, which is pushing an...
by Chris Thurstone | Nov 16, 2012 | Marijuana, Research
Meet Bertha K. Madras, Ph.D. She is a professor of psychobiology at Harvard Medical School’s Department of Psychiatry. Her research in drug addiction is world-recognized, prolific and pioneering. Like me, she has grown tired of watching people pass around this...
by Christine Tatum | Jul 10, 2012 | Media, Uncategorized
Sadly, there’s no dearth of sorry journalism where marijuana is concerned. It’s in the New York Times. It’s in The Denver Post. It’s in alternative weeklies and on TV broadcasts. This week, it’s also in Time magazine. That’s right....
by Chris Thurstone | Jun 9, 2012 | Media, Uncategorized
News organizations frequently ask me to help them find young people and parents willing to share their experiences with addiction. I try to assist when and where I can — but these aren’t easy connections to make. Many people in substance recovery fear the...
by Christine Tatum | Jun 8, 2012 | Media, Uncategorized
Watching news coverage and commentary about marijuana is utterly painful for me on so many levels. We’re talking chronic pain that would easily qualify me for a medical-pot license in Colorado. Take this week, when Reporter Will Ripley of Denver’s NBC...