CONTACT Media Archives - Page 5 of 7 - Dr. Christian Thurstone
The one-way debate

The one-way debate

Let’s put how I feel as the doctor’s wife aside for a moment. I’m a longtime journalist who cares deeply about the ethics and integrity of my trade, and I know when a fellow journalist’s work fails to meet basic standards of accuracy, fairness...
Let’s commercialize prevention

Let’s commercialize prevention

We have learned more about brain maturation in the last decade than we’ve ever known — but the science hasn’t been communicated quickly, loudly or effectively enough to the public.  It’s hard to boil down research findings into pithy soundbites...
Urban Outfitters is irresponsible

Urban Outfitters is irresponsible

“Oh, now, isn’t this all just so edgy?!” “So fashion-forward?!” “So cool! So stylish! And so right for Spring 2013!” Can’t you almost hear the pretentious banter in the offices of Urban Outfitters, which is pushing an...
Not letting facts get in the way …

Not letting facts get in the way …

The folks who worked on this ditty for MSN were so busy cheerleading for marijuana that they probably didn’t stop to consider the idiocy of their work product — but you should. First, check out the headline below. Note: researchers at Temple University...

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Dr. Christian Thurstone
Thurstone among 2013 ‘Top Docs’
The one-way debate
Let’s commercialize prevention
Urban Outfitters is irresponsible
Not letting facts get in the way …