CONTACT Chris Thurstone, Author at Dr. Christian Thurstone - Page 14 of 22

BraveTracks helping Colorado kids

A burgeoning nonprofit organization is helping Colorado high school students find a world of professional and personal opportunities. I like the group’s aim so much that I recently agreed to join its board of advisors. The organization is called BraveTracks...

Meet Project SAM

Having sat through two meetings of the Colorado task force I have been appointed to by Gov. John Hickenlooper to recommend a regulatory framework for recreational marijuana use in this state, it is clearer to me than ever that our nation needs to have far more...
Talking with your child about tragedy

Talking with your child about tragedy

Today’s massacre at an elementary school in Connecticut is devastating. At this time, 27 people, including 20 children, are reported dead. A common question at times like these is, “How should I discuss this with my children?” There is no script...
Videos worth your time

Videos worth your time

Today, I received links to two videos that reference my research — but that’s not why I’m sharing them. I’m sharing these videos because I consider them illuminating in ways that news coverage about the marijuana debate too often is not. I also...

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