CONTACT journalism Archives - Page 4 of 5 - Dr. Christian Thurstone
Hear and heed the recovering addict

Hear and heed the recovering addict

News organizations frequently ask me to help them find young people and parents willing to share their experiences with addiction. I try to assist when and where I can — but these aren’t easy connections to make. Many people in substance recovery fear the...
Lazy journalism in the NYT compounds ignorance

Lazy journalism in the NYT compounds ignorance

I love journalism. I love many journalists. I have a long track record of going to the mat to improve and protect journalism. Lazy journalism? That’s a different story entirely. Please, allow me to dissect (or is that “rip to shreds?”) a New York...

Talkin’ teen depression

As far as I’m concerned, one of the coolest and most helpful news organizations in the country — and probably even on the planet — is The Mash. It’s guided by experienced journalists working for the Tribune Co., and written mostly by...

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