CONTACT News & Views - Dr. Christian Thurstone

News & Views

We cover a wide range of subjects that matter to children and adolescents — and to adults who love and care for them. Sometimes our writing speaks directly to young people. Other times, it’s aimed at the, ahem, “older crowd.” Either way, we hope you’ll check in regularly to see what’s new, share your perspective and ask questions. Sometimes, we’ll even feature Dr. T’s responses to the questions he receives, so feel free to add yours to the pile.
Sabet’s drug policy principles

Sabet’s drug policy principles

I'm a doctor who focuses on the treatment of people who struggle with substance abuse, dependence and addiction and a variety of other health problems associated with their drug use. I conduct medical research to develop new treatments for them and improve the ones we...

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Thurstone named 5280 Top Doc

Thurstone named 5280 Top Doc

Wow! Talk about a nice surprise. I learned today that I have been named one of 5280 magazine's Top Doctors in 2011. I'm listed in the addiction psychiatry section along with Dr. Allan Graham of St. Joseph, Lutheran, Good Samaritan and Dr. Jonathan Ritvo, medical...

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Marijuana doesn’t help psych problems

In fact, it may make them worse. Please allow me to be frank -- as I was during a town hall meeting sponsored by Colorado state Sen. Irene Aguilar, a Democrat and a physician (my thanks to her for inviting me to speak): At that same meeting, I tried to put so-called...

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Read the book

Clearing the Haze is a guide designed to help parents determine whether their child may have a substance problem and, if so, how to begin to address it. This book includes the voices and insight of experts in substance abuse counseling, young people in recovery, and parents who have lived the nightmare of adolescent addiction.

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