News & Views
Response to ‘A Judge’s Plea for Pot’
The New York Times on May 16, 2012 ran a guest column written by Gustin L. Reichbach, a justice of the New York State Supreme Court in Brooklyn. Let's just say this is the second pro-marijuana-legalization piece spun out of the NYT to catch my eye in recent weeks --...
Sure would love to see these everywhere …
While en route to Stockholm to meet members of the World Federation Against Drugs, my husband, Dr. Chris Thurstone, and I hopped a connecting flight at Liberty International Airport in Newark, N.J. This ad was the first thing to greet us as we headed into the terminal...
‘The Mash’ offers students great gigs
Are you a teen living in the Chicago area -- or do you know one? If so, you've got to check out The Mash, an innovative print and online news organization that's recruiting student journalists for the 2012-13 school year. If you're interested in pursuing a career in...
‘Heavy’ teen weed use rockets up
After years of decline, marijuana use rates among teenagers are rising rapidly: try an 80 percent increase in heavy use since 2008, according to a study released by MetLife Foundation and The Partnership at What's the definition of a heavy user? Someone...
Cheer for Jay Rich!
No matter which NBA team he's on, I'll always cheer for shooting guard Jason Richardson, now of the Orlando Magic. He's on his way home to Denver after a tough season and a disappointing loss in overtime this week, but in so many ways, "Jay Rich" is about to roll up...
MA medical society rejects marijuana
Physicians in Massachusetts soon will deliberate (May 19, 2012) whether to join a growing body of doctors and healthcare professionals who are speaking up about so-called "medical" marijuana. Testimony from Kevin Sabet (find him online at, an assistant...
Help your teen overcome depression
I'm a big fan of a series of videos recently produced by the Child Mind Institute. This one does a nice job of explaining teen depression, which affects one in seven young people. You can hear more about the condition during a conversation I recently had with young...
OCD: It’s real. It’s treatable.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, affects approximately 1 million children. Take a look at this great video produced by the Child Mind Institute. As the organization writes, "Speaking up the first step to getting more kids the help they need."
ADHD: Treat it early, change a young life
I'm a big fan of a series of videos produced by the Child Mind Institute, which writes: "Nearly 50 percent of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) never get treated. Early, effective care can change their lives."
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
In my world, May is a really big month. It's Mental Health Awareness Month. Here's a quick look at how people in more than 1,100 communities and across 115 federal programs in the United States are participating in events aimed specifically at highlighting the...