CONTACT Making another note ... - Dr. Christian Thurstone

For those of us keeping score at home: Michael Roberts and his editors at Denver alt-weekly Westword on July 30 published a third report mentioning Dr. Thurstone by name (and running a photo of him) without giving him a chance to respond or comment before publication.

In the world of responsible journalism, this is indefensible practice — but seeing that we’re talking Westword, it’s also understandable given how much this publication counts on the marijuana industry to make its ends meet.

You can read more about Mr. Roberts and Westword here and here — and, perhaps, consider yourself forewarned.

About Christine Tatum

Christine Tatum is a veteran journalist whose communications and market intel firm, Media Salad, Inc., helps companies and nonprofit organizations win business and stay ahead of their competitors. Her professional stops include the Chicago Tribune, The Denver Post, the (Arlington Heights, Ill.) Daily Herald and the (Greensboro, N.C.) News & Record. Her work also has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, and New York Times.

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Dr. Christian Thurstone
Making another note …

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