CONTACT Media Archives - Page 7 of 7 - Dr. Christian Thurstone
Hear and heed the recovering addict

Hear and heed the recovering addict

News organizations frequently ask me to help them find young people and parents willing to share their experiences with addiction. I try to assist when and where I can — but these aren’t easy connections to make. Many people in substance recovery fear the...
Sure would love to see these everywhere …

Sure would love to see these everywhere …

While en route to Stockholm to meet members of the World Federation Against Drugs, my husband, Dr. Chris Thurstone, and I hopped a connecting flight at Liberty International Airport in Newark, N.J. This ad was the first thing to greet us as we headed into the terminal...
Lazy journalism in the NYT compounds ignorance

Lazy journalism in the NYT compounds ignorance

I love journalism. I love many journalists. I have a long track record of going to the mat to improve and protect journalism. Lazy journalism? That’s a different story entirely. Please, allow me to dissect (or is that “rip to shreds?”) a New York...
Thurstone named 5280 Top Doc

Thurstone named 5280 Top Doc

Wow! Talk about a nice surprise. I learned today that I have been named one of 5280 magazine’s Top Doctors in 2011. I’m listed in the addiction psychiatry section along with Dr. Allan Graham of St. Joseph, Lutheran, Good Samaritan and Dr. Jonathan Ritvo,...

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Dr. Christian Thurstone
Hear and heed the recovering addict
Some days, it’s best to ignore journalists
Response to ‘A Judge’s Plea for Pot’
Sure would love to see these everywhere …
Lazy journalism in the NYT compounds ignorance
Thurstone named 5280 Top Doc