CONTACT Marijuana Archives - Page 5 of 18 - Dr. Christian Thurstone

DEA eases CBD research requirements

Research of cannabidiol, a non-intoxicating component of the cannabis plant, has been made easier because of new regulations released this week by the Drug Enforcement Administration. The federal agency has waived certain registration requirements for researchers...

Colorado leads nation in youth pot use

Colorado now leads the nation in past-month, youth marijuana use — a dubious distinction the state has earned since voters sanctioned the drug for recreational use in 2012. The findings are based on a report issued this week and based on 2013 and 2014 National...

Epidiolex helping kids with epilepsy

This week’s annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society has included the presentation and discussion of several papers about Epidiolex, a purified CBD oil produced by GW Pharmaceuticals. Epidiolex, which is now in clinical trials, is widely considered among...

ASAM marijuana policy updated

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) continues to oppose marijuana legalization and recommends that jurisdictions that already have sanctioned the sale of marijuana products prohibit those sales to anyone under age 25, according to its recently updated...

Legal marijuana’s impact on CO troubling

Marijuana-related problems of public health and safety are worsening in Colorado, according to a new federal report released today by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, or HIDTA. The agency is part of a national network of federal offices charged...

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